Politics of Cookies


The web of MARIA OF THE SEA MORENO RUEDA uses own cookies and of third. A cookie is a file that downloads in his computer when accessing to determinate web pages, among other purposes, ensure the correct operation of the page, allow to the User a faster access to the services selected, store and recover information on the habits of navigation of an user or of his squad and even, depend the information that contain and of the form in that it use his squad, can use to recognise to the user. The cookies associate only to an anonymous user and his computer or device and do not provide references that allow to know his personal data., except permission express of that.
The user can, at all times, accept or refuse the installed cookies that are not strictly necessary for the correct operation of the web and the access to the User to his services, through the signpost of adjust of cookies provided in our web5. Likewise it will be able to configure his browser at all times without that this prejudice the possibility of the User to access to the contents. However we inform him that the rejection of the cookies can diminish the good operation of the web5.


According to the directive of the EU, the cookies that require the consent informed by the user are the cookies of analytical, the ones of advertising and affiliation, remaining excepted the ones of technical character and the necessary for the operation of the website or the provision of services on purpose sued by the user.

  1. According to the entity that manage them, there are own Cookies (those that send to the terminal squad of the user from a squad or command managed by the own editor and from which loans the service Requested by the user) and of third ((those that send to the terminal squad of the user from a squad or command that is not managed by the editor, but by another entity that treats the data obtained by means of the cookies).
  2. According to the time that remain active, exist the ones of session (designed to collect and store data while the user accesses to a web page) and the persistent (in which the data store in the terminal and can be accessed and treaties during a clear-cut period by the manager of the cookie -can go of some minutes to several years-).
  3. According to the purpose for which treat the information that recopilan, can be:
  • Technical cookies (necessary for the use of the web and the provision of the service hired),
  • Cookies of personalización (that they allow to the user access to the service with characteristic predefinidas, as for example the language, type of browser, regional configuration, etc.)
  • Cookies of analysis (collect information the use that makes of the web),
  • Advertising cookies (collect information on the preferences and personal elections of the users),
  • Cookies of affiliated (allow to make a follow-up of the pertinent visits of other webs, with which the website establishes an agreement of affiliation).


It can see the cookies that uses our web and change his preferences from the configurator of cookies.

While it cruises by our web, can store in his browser the cookies of our social nets. To continuation, indicate him the links on the cookies of the social nets that can use in this web:

Cookies of Facebook, see more information in his politics of cookies
Cookies of Twitter, see more information in his politics of cookies
Cookies of Instagram, see more information in his politics of cookies
Cookies of Linkedin, see more information in his politics of cookies
Cookies of Pinterest, see more information in his politics of cookies
Cookies of Youtube, see more information in his politics of cookies


At all times it will be able to access to the configuration of his browser accepting or refusing all the cookies, or select those whose installation admits and which no, following one of the following procedures, that depends of the browser that use:

Google Chrome (in the Menu Tools):

Configuration > Show options advanced > Privacy (Configuration of content) > Cookies: https://support.google.com/chrome/answer/95647?co=genie.platform%3DDesktopandhl=is

Microsoft Internet Explorer (in the Menu Tools):

Options of Internet > Privacy > Advanced: https://support.microsoft.com/es-es/help/17442/windows-internet-explorer-delete-manage-cookies


Options > Privacy > Cookies: https://support.mozilla.org/es/kb/habilitar-y-deshabilitar-cookies-sitios-web-rastrear-preferencias

Safari, iPad and iPhone:

Preferences > Privacy: https://support.apple.com/es-es/guide/safari/sfri11471/mac

It operates:

Configuration > Options > Advanced > Cookies: http://help.opera.com/windows/12.00/es-es/cookies.html

These browsers are subjected to updates or modifications, by what can not guarantee that they adjust entirely to the version of his browser. Also it can be that it use another no contemplated browser in these links like Konqueror, Arora, Flock, etc. To avert these unfit, can access directly from the options of his browser, generally in the menu of "Options" in the section of "Privacy". (Please, it consult the help of his browser for more information).


To restrict or block the cookies, does through the configuration of the browser.

If it does not wish that the websites put any cookie in his squad, can adapt the configuration of the browser so that it notify him before it plant any cookie. Of equal way, can adapt the configuration so that the browser refuse all the cookies, or only the cookies of third. Also it can delete any one of the cookies that already find in the squad. It take that it will have to adapt separately the configuration of each browser and squad that use.

It take that if it does not wish to receive cookies, no longer will be able to guarantee that our website work properly. It can that some functions of the place lose and is possible that no longer can see some places web5. Besides, refuse the cookies does not mean that it no longer go to see advertising ads. Simply the ads will not adjust to his interests and will repeat with more frequency.

Each browser possesses a distinct method to adapt the configuration. If it was necessary, consult the function of help of the browser to establish the correct configuration.

For desactivar the cookies in the mobile telephone, consult the manual of the device to obtain more information.

It can obtain more information on the cookies in Internet, http://www.aboutcookies.org/.

Take the form in which it works Internet and the websites, no always have information of the cookies that plant third parts through our place web5. This applies especially to cases in which ours web page contains what designate integrated elements: texts, documents, images or brief films that store in another part, but show in our website or through the same.

Therefore, in case that it find with this type of cookies in this website and are not enumerated in the anterior list, pray him that it communicate it to us. Or put in contact directly with the third to ask him information on the cookies that plants, the purpose and the length of the cookie, and how has guaranteeed his privacy.


Who is the manager of the treatment of his personal data?

MARIA OF THE SEA MORENO RUEDA is the manager of the treatment of the personal data that you provides us, sito in PAU CASALS, 39, 08820 The Prat of Llobregat, (Barcelona) and with CIF 46593027H  Telephone 93 379 15 94 and mail of contact blancoynegromariola@gmail.com.

If it does not wish that the websites put any cookie in his squad, can adapt the configuration of the browser so that it notify him before it plant any cookie. Of equal way, can adapt the configuration so that the browser refuse all the cookies, or only the cookies of third. Also it can delete any one of the cookies that already find in the squad. It take that it will have to adapt separately the configuration of each browser and squad that use.

For what use his personal data?

The information recopilada through the own cookies (cookies of session and of entrance of user) are used to use to track the actions of the user when fill the forms on line in several pages, or like market basket to do the follow-up of the articles that the user has selected when pressing a button, or to customise the interface of the user when visiting the page web5.

The information recopilada through the cookies of third is the following:
  • Through the analytical cookies analyse his habits of navigation to improve the services loaned;
  • Through the cookies comportamentales collects information on the preferences of the user to manage the advertising spaces of the most effective form possible; and
  • Through the advertising cookies measures the performance of the ads and provide relative recommendations to products based in statistical data.
To see exactly the use of the cookies see the picture on the use of the cookies in this web5.

Which is the legal base for the treatment of his personal data?

The legitimación for the treatment of his personal data comes given by his consent, awarded in the moment to put in contact with us, for the utilisation of analytical cookies, comportamentales and advertising; for the cookies of session or personalización, the legitimación for the treatment comes given by the legitimate interest of the prestador (manager of the treatment).

To who communicate his data?

They will not yield neither they will communicate data to third, save by legal obligation or to the third indicated in the case of use of cookies managed by these.

Which is the term of conservation of his data?

The term of conservation of the data collected is the indicated in the picture on the use of the cookies in this web5.

Which are his rights?

The rights that protect to the user are the ones of access, rectification, suppression, portability of the same,  withdrawal of the consent (without that this affect to the legality of the treatment awarded previously to his withdrawal),opposition to the treatment, limitation (in determinate circumstances) and to present a claim in front of the authority of control (the Spanish Agency of data protection, www.aepd.es).

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